Friday, January 7, 2011

Thank You For Destination Weddings

Crados ice. The

So yes as I explained below, the Crados December are already out! How
you guessed?! Bah, no doubt more is now a proven fact, that they came out on ... But since I tell you!
Again the Cradosaures actually do anything! Fortunately Super Dentist is here!
You might be noted how accurately, I very subtly detailed the Plum brandy or even olive twig in olive oil. Subtle details - but some would say downright useless what, pal, but you're either geudin?! - but hey here I am again I had fun anyway and yes I am a little crazy, huh?!
Go! Little quiz: a cinema and a kebab to that will tell me what is the photo on the mantelpiece. Good luck, dudes!


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