Starting with Muscari macrocarpum 'Golden Fragrance' which offers an unusual yellow staining mainly topped with a touch of violets few bells. Plant slow to reproduce and therefore to market, it lends itself easy to pot culture.
lovers of botanical may be crossed or Martagon lily Lilium Martagon in the wild in a forest south of France or the Alps. It is very fragrant and easy to grow in slightly acidic soil, rich and well drained. Its flowers are pink with six petals, flecked with red. At maturity, the petals curl up and droop six beautiful orange stamens.
Spectacular, lilies or cattails steppes of Cleopatra, their scientific name Eremurus are tuberous perennials with their majestic tall stems well furnished with flowers pastels. Here Eremurus robustus in pink ears, is the largest of all (up to 3m). Came from Central Asia (Turkestan), it blossoms in early June flowers light pink to white, borne on an inflorescence Lightweight.
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