Monday, September 10, 2007

A Rap Song A Playground

The smell of dirty sidewalks

Pshuiiiifffrrruifshiiiiiit. The tire rubber smooth translucent sheet of cloth wet asphalt. Leaden sky. It curved my head and shoulders. Shivering in the cold moisture of wool navy blue coat. I walk to nowhere hand, fists dug into my pockets. The smell of iodine is too far. The gutter pours her tears, smells of dirt, towards the mouth hideous sewer. The ebony of night to skate wax bursts of electric lights. Neon neon. A sign blinked his green eyes. She watches me without depth. Green Cross that saves the soul of the blues. Carrot bar tabac which treats the melancholy. The sores are diluted in the blue water of the dirty asparthame and gold honey beer at the corner of zinc.

It is 21.00, it rained in town, and tonight without knowing why, I love the smell of dirty sidewalks.


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