Saturday, August 14, 2010

Removing A Sentinel Pile

Renfield! (Transylvanian accent)

In the Carpathians ...

A monster awakens - and falls asleep immediately - and wakes up again ... The black eyes, the skin color of ivory, sharp fangs and glowing, blood-thirsty, he fears the garlic and sunlight, I appointed :
Vlad Tepes. Vlad the Third. Prince of Wallachia . The Impaler. Count Dracula !
Fx: lightning slamming. Sound: Organ Music: Tan Tan taaaAaaaaan! ♪
Well this is the main character of the board which will be released Cauldron - No. 7 - in October!
There will be blood of victims to busty, bats - not they speak not ... Tss - and a servant of the name of Igor ! In short everything you need for a good story Fampires ! (Transylvanian accent again)

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The Cradosaures is back! The time

I repeat, this very morning, the update began last night, I was too tired to post.
I present to you the first box of my latest work on Cradosaures - but soooo crados watches, a little history into three boards Mixman mag ! C'la n'vous said anything?! - 'short end, this time it's the return for little crados and they are woken gently coated with kisses of love by their nice mommy.
Released September 22 this year.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Digital Playgound Streaming

CathédraAAAaaAAAaleUuUUuuh! ♪ ♫

Ouch! Ouch!

The buggery cable shows the tip of her nose ...
'End all that to say that once again here is a board made for Cauldron - and once again she is out a while ago .
I enjoyed working on this board 'cause the framing was very simple ... Ah very interesting to realize franch'ment the gag made me laugh - pity you not the text, you would cans - bah Otherwise I rather like the final appearance of buildings in the background.

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Me Tarzan ...

the aminches Hi, how are you well? "

Pouh la la! it was time for me to come back and post two to three p'tites things about this blog began, apparently, gathering dust.
- Go hop is cleaned, it scans, it sucks, you get rid of cobwebs, one brick and one post! -
Voila. So.
It's been a long time already that it came out - but you start to know me a bit eh? - so here is a illsutr 'that I was asked to do it for the mag Mixman .
A presentation page the famous scene to animate "On Character - here Tarzan and his faithful chimpanzee e- over a double page in the jungle, with action, villains hunters marmoset, to find unusual objects, stickers to stick and admire the pretty colors ... I lie not 'cause I had already made a topo on one of my previous posts. - What too late? Who said "Too late?!" - So brief.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Very Dark Positive On First Response

curio cabinet from September 1 to November 1

e From 1 September to 1 e November shop is invested by an installation combining art, scientific objects and fossil grass, dried animal, dinosaur bones, insects, ancient literature of the eighteenth and nineteenth, stamps, and above all an exceptional collection of minerals.

Three free courses spread of insects on Wednesday 22 September 29 and October 6 at 14h. Registration on 01 39 64 57 01.
Sale bulb collection from October 1.