In the Carpathians ...
A monster awakens - and falls asleep immediately - and wakes up again ... The black eyes, the skin color of ivory, sharp fangs and glowing, blood-thirsty, he fears the garlic and sunlight, I appointed :
Vlad Tepes. Vlad the Third. Prince of Wallachia . The Impaler. Count Dracula !
Fx: lightning slamming. Sound: Organ Music: Tan Tan taaaAaaaaan! ♪
Well this is the main character of the board which will be released Cauldron - No. 7 - in October!
There will be blood of victims to busty, bats - not they speak not ... Tss - and a servant of the name of Igor ! In short everything you need for a good story Fampires ! (Transylvanian accent again)